The use of laser therapy against pain relief has been discovered to be quite effective because it accelerates healing and decreases inflammation. How?
When the laser source is placed against the skin, the photons penetrate several centimetres and are absorbed by the mitochondria – the energy production part of the cells. The resultant energy fuels many positive physiological responses resulting in restoration of normal cell morphology and function.
Laser Therapy has been successfully used to treat a broad range of medical decisions such as:
musculoskeletal problems,
sports injuries
post-surgical wounds
diabetic ulcers
other dermatological conditions
Working mechanism of Lasotronix Smart M for Plantar Fasciitis
The main goal behind the laser therapy is stimulating the cells into performing their natural functions at an enhanced rate. When the laser beam from is targeted at the haemoglobin and cytochrome C oxidase, it helps the respiration of the muscles and provides good results towards better performance.
How are the “warm” Lasotronix Smart M laser diodes different from other treatments?
Unlike the cold laser diodes that don’t provide any healing sensations, the Lasotronix Smart M laser diode provides a feeling of warmth and an assurance of healing. Also, unlike many pharmacological treatments that marks only on the pain or the symptoms, the Lasotronix Smart M laser diode reaches out to the root of the condition to provide long lasting healing.
Lasotronix Smart M 980 nm: Low Level Laser Technology (LLLT) for Plantar Fasciitis
With help of the Lasotronix Smart M 980 nm, we provide the most advanced method to cure your patient from pain and inflammation of the heel resulting from Plantar Fasciitis. Our new diode laser technology has been proven effective in clinical tests to treat plantar fasciitis. The healing powers of this laser diode technology eliminate the pain from plantar fascia within weeks, allowing the patient to return to their active life as soon as possible.
Earlier, the invasive therapeutic procedures were only 10% successful in completely treating the chronic plantar fasciitis cases and would be unresponsive to non-operative therapy. However, the Lasotronix treatment has provided relief from plantar fasciitis. The medical professionals have trusted Low-Level Laser Technology (LLLT) for treating various conditions long enough to turn to it to treat conditions like Plantar Fasciitis safely and effectively than ever.
Benefits of Laser Therapy in Pain management
Painless Treatment
Highly effective for many diseases and conditions
Reduced need for medicines
Easily applicable
No known adverse side-effects
Compatible with other drugs
Renders surgical intervention unnecessary
Restores normal range of motion and physical function
Best alternative for patients who haven’t responded to other therapies