Laser powered by the 1470nm diode device along with recent innovations brings the cutting edge technology to Tumescent Liposuction, including targeted fat removal with minimal bleeding and bruising with less physician exertion and a faster recovery in patients.
The Laser system consists of a 1470nm wavelength device, which specifically targets fat-water absorption with the combined capability of infiltration and suction. The device has an integrated cannula and fiber interface for simultaneous lasing and suction.
Lasotronix device is most beneficial in the treatment for efficient fat-emulsification and removal of fatty tissues.
The unique radial and bare emitting fiber of the device helps in wider and even-heat emission distribution, with precise temperature control capabilities. The results are improved skin tightening, reduced procedure time, high-fat viability for successful grafting and superior clinical results.
Who Can Use Lasotronix Smart M 1470 nm Device for
Lasotronix Laser for Liposuction and Lipolysis
General surgeons
Plastic surgeons
Cosmetic Surgeons
Aesthetic Surgeons
Lasotronix introduces cutting edge technology to the field of liposuction and lipolysis with the help of Lasotronix Smart M 1470 nm laser diode. When used for Liposuction, the device performs targeted fat removal with minimal fat bleeding and bruising with minimal exertion by the surgeon and fast recovery by patients.
The Lasotronix Smart M 1470 nm device is specifically used to target fat-water absorption with the combination of infiltration and suction. The Lasotronix Smart M 1470 nm has a liposuction cannula and an integrated fibre interface for simultaneous lasing and suction.
The unique radial fibres of the Lasotronix Smart M 1470 nm device helps with wide and even heat-emission and distribution with precise temperature control capabilities. This results in improved skin tightening, reduced procedure time, high-fat viability for successful grafting and superior clinical results.
The Lasotronix Smart M 1470 nm laser diode has proven to be highly efficient in fat emulsification and removal of fatty tissues.
Optimal Wavelength for Laser Lipolysis and Liposuction
The wavelength of 1470 nm is the optimal for laser lipolysis as it precisely targets water in the soft tissues. The Lasotronix Smart M 1470 nm proves to be significantly useful in fat removal with minimum tissue damage because of a higher absorption rate of water and fat as compared to other competing devices.
The advantages of using the Lasotronix Smart M 1470 nm are as follows:
Optimized fat removal with minimum tissue damage
Secondary effect of the laser technology is skin tightening which is direct consequence of the photothermal effect stimulating neo-collagenesis.
Laser lipolysis with 1470 nm is a complete procedure in itself especially when done on the facial area and other small areas. However, some larger surfaces may need further liposuction.
Laser Lipolysis targets the water molecules which is an atraumatic and less painful with minor hematomas and edema of the skin.
Applications of the Lasotronix Smart M 1470 nm for Lipolysis and Liposuction
Upper Eyelid – Blepharochalasis.
Lower eyelid – Lacrimal sacs.
Cheeks – Chubby cheeks.
Chin-Double chin.
Neck -Turkey neck.
Upper arm – Arm flab, Batwings.
Breast – Breast lift.
Abdomen – Belly fat.
Back – Flank fat.
Hips – Love handles.
Buttocks – Cellulite.
Thigh – Inner and outer thigh Saddlebags
Lipodema – Sagging knee fat.
Laser liposuction and lipolysis is a cosmetic surgical procedure to reshape and slim specific areas of the body by removing excess fat deposits and improving body contours.
This procedure is also called body contouring. This laser liposuction and lipolysis procedure can be performed on any part of the body, where the fat deposit usually accumulates and is difficult to remove even after a healthy exercise and diet regimen.
The advanced laser technology used in the Lasotronix Smart M 1470nm has made the liposuction procedure a safe and easy procedure with minimal post-operative trauma.
This makes Lasotronix Smart M 1470 nm one of best laser diode devices in India and most recommended by the liposuction experts of India.
Advantages of Liposuction and Lipolysis by Lasotronix Smart M 1470 nm
Less post-operative tissue swelling
Minimal bleeding during the proceduren
No bleeding or edema after the procedure
Clear view of the operation site
Minimal side effects of the operation
Outpatient procedure with only local anaesthesia
Short rehabilitation – only day care stay at the hospital
Optimum protection of the surrounding tissue
Long lasting tissue firming
Nominal complications and minor side-effects
Risk of infection
No scarring
Benefits of Laser Liposuction with Lasotronix Smart M 1470 nm
• Safe fat removal • Improved self-esteem and confidence • Enhanced health due to loss of unwanted fat • Well-shaped parts of body which could not be achieved even after exercise and healthy diets • Improved blood circulation due to reduced pressure on the blood cells
Features of the Lasotronix Smart M 1470 nm
The Lasotronix Smart M 1470 nm is the latest entrant in the field of the surgical lasers used for lipolysis. But what makes it the best laser diode of India for liposuction and skin grafting treatments?
Here are some of the most unique features of the Lasotronix Smart M 1470 nm that make it the best laser liposuction machine:
Skin-Safe Fiber
For complete relief, it is advised that patient undergo 4 to 6 sessions in an interval of 15 to 21 days, where each session will be 15 to 30 minutes long. The LVR treatment consists of at least 4-6 sittings with a gap of 15-20 days with the complete vaginal rehabilitation completing in 2-3 months.
Liposuction Cannula
The Liposuction cannula included in the Lasotronix Smart M 1470 nm kit helps break up the fatty tissue for easy suction and removal. In areas with dense and fibrous adipose tissue, small and precise oscillations allow surgeons to target specific areas safely without damaging the surrounding tissue.
Combined with simultaneous lasing and suction, the liposuction cannula allows the surgeons to remove fat quickly and easily with lesser manual force. As a result, there is less bruising and shorter recovery time, thus making it a more comfortable experience with both the surgeons and the patients.